Friday, November 13, 2009

Almost Thanksgiving.......'s almost Thanksgiving which means SCHOOL VACATION!! I will be off chauffeur duties for 5 days!!! Whooooo Hooo!!!! The kids will be able to sleep in (as will I). I love school vacations. Can you tell!

Thanksgiving will be held at my house with my family this year. mmmmmm Turkey, stuffing, mashed taters and family. I enjoy it. Now if only I can keep my house tidy so it won't be so much work at the last can hope!

Pacey is sick the last two days. Poor guy. That being said, hope no one else gets his sickness! Just a sore throat and fever. No symptoms of the pig flu.....yet!

When will the laundry faires make it to my house? I keep waiting but the piles keep growing taller! I hate the white load....too many socks. And of course there are more mis-matched socks that those that make a pair (thanks to the little boys in my house who could care less if their socks matched!). Ian leaves me notes on the counter requesting a load of jeans be done. He must have forgotten he knows how to do a load of wash. Silly boy! Now when it comes to sorting the colors, poor guy, he can't do it....he's color blind. Pink looks white to him. Can you imagine what our laundry would look like if left to him?????? AAAAhhhhhh. So Pacey must be trained in the ways of laundry sorting. He's really looking forward to that I am sure!
My wonderful husband is off for the day and has brought me I will be done blogging for now to go eat.

Happy almost holidays.

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